The Depths of Satisfaction

Flavor Constituents and Nutritional Constituents that Satiate

by Clara P. Triane, M.D.

       On a plant-based diet, one needs to entertain one’s taste buds with complicated dishes containing many different types of foods and spices. A main reason plant eaters want complex dishes is to try to make up for the fact that carbohydrates are lacking in lasting satisfaction. The plant consumer wants to try endless new recipes in the unending effort to experience some sort of flavor satisfaction and greater satiation.
       When one eats meat, however, one feels done. With a regular diet of meat, the taste buds, mouth and digestive system tend to heal, and one is able to appreciate the meaty, rich flavors more and more over time. All the flavor nuances and constituents that one is seeking can be found in a salted steak. Nothing tastes better than a properly cooked meat.
       Meat is perfect gastronomy. Hormonal enjoyment means you hit a nutritional bullseye. The nutritional bullseye is the only way to healthy dietary satiation.
       Some people when starting a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet, (or more accurately, a normal carbohydrate diet), try to cook dishes that are similar to those from their old habitual taste entertainment diet. For example, they might cook a "chaffle," as a replacement for a waffle. They’ll have spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta, make pizza crust out of cauliflower instead of wheat. This is typical and to be expected in the beginning. Most, but not all people, have to go lower and lower in carbs, in steps, to let their bodies adjust to eating meat instead of carbs.  
       The attempt at continuing the habitual taste entertaining complexity diet, if only for a brief stage, say one month, is fine. If ongoing, this kind of "keto" may be a setup for disappointment.  
       Instead, it may be better to accept that the dishes that one will eat on a ketogenic or carnivore diet will be different. One needs to evolve toward simplicity and less ingredients. Better, in every way, and simpler. It’s like a miracle: the way that things are supposed to be is really good and uncomplicated!
       As one shifts more and more to eating a diet of meat, by far the most nutrient dense food for human beings, the desire for less healthy foods diminishes. Please understand that this will happen more and more over time and not overnight. Improvement should be noticeable over weeks, more over months and even more over the years. Desire for sweeteners, desserts, sodas, bread, pasta, cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, alcohol drops away.
       We all will lose our cravings for non-ancestral foods but at different rates. The point is to move toward a natural human diet, whether it takes a week or a year or two to adjust! Consuming meat, you will lose the tendency toward habitual dietary complexity. Your taste buds will awaken. Having to eat 30 different foods and spices every day is unnatural and tiring. We ate for complex entertainment for so long it became second nature. When you finally switch to healthier, more satisfying food, meat, your desire for less nutritious, frivolous, plant-derived foods will fade away.

Asians Should Eat Rice; Westerners, Bread
       As a Chinese-American I grew up eating rice almost every day, just as most Westerners consume breads. When I switched to a meat-based diet I gave up all grains. On a few occasions, as an experiment, I tried eating rice again and found it superficial, a stomach-filler lacking taste and significant nutrition. I no longer miss eating rice and rarely think about it. Nobody needs bread or rice when they have meat to eat.

Never Again Will You Count Calories
       A big reason that calorie-counting diets aren’t sustainable is that carbohydrates are making your body remain in continually occurring states of hunger. You could use willpower for a period of time to resist the desire to eat more, but your hunger hormones will be beating on you constantly. Plant-Based Diets Mean Continual Hunger. If you are eating a high carbohydrate Standard Modern Diet, like 98% of people, you are unlikely to be successful with long-term weight control.
       On an ancestrally appropriate, low carb, meat-based diet one does not count calories. Ever. One loses the need to eat many times a day. Many people on a low carb diet chow down just once or twice a day and feel great. Ancestrally correct, low carb, healthy animal fat diets are very sustainable because one feels full rather than deprived. One can spend a lot less time cooking and more time engaging in life.  
       When people don’t want to eat a particular food it could be their natural instincts telling them that food item is not very nutritious. For example, if a child wants to eat meat but not vegetables it could be because the body senses that the meat is deeply nutritionally effective and to be desired, with the vegetables much less so. Our ancestors only consumed plants as emergency food. We lost some of our instincts by eating too many carbs for too many years. If you work your way toward a Standard Carnivore Diet, then from that point you’ll need 90 days on that  SCD before we can really begin to see all the benefits surfacing. We can monitor and tweak the diet in the meantime, keeping an eye on various factors. But not calories. You never will count calories again.
       We all have been brainwashed over and over that meat is bad. There is no science to back the anti-meat corporations. We may feel reluctant to eat a large portion (a natural portion) of meat; such has been our indoctrination since childhood. This can be overcome by an inquiring, intelligent mind realizing, day by day, the amazing health effects of eating an uncomplicated, multi-million year, ancestrally appropriate diet.
       Everybody gets hungry. Everyone wants to feel fulfilled. When you eat plenty of meat, you feel full and filled: fulfilled. Your body becomes vibrant, your taste buds revel in the flavors of the meat, and your mind feels relieved from decades of hunger’s torture. Why not simply return to eating a natural human diet today?

Beef Tri-Tip: Oven Seared​​

A Way to Enjoy Food More and Feel More Satisfied

Read more articles and dining suggestions by Clara P. Triane, M.D.

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Clara P. Triane, MD

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