Why Some People Will Never Fix Their Diet

by Clara P. Triane, M.D.

       An X-ray technician whom I met told me that she had suffered from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis for many years and was about to undergo her twelfth operation for this condition. I mentioned that ketogenic diets often can be helpful for relieving symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Her response was, “I’m just so used to having this problem.” 
       My husband, Sol Ta Triane, often states this Buddhist aphorism: “The way is easy, but you still have to do it. Your way is hard, but you still have to stop it.” 
       Much information is available about the advantages of eating a low carbohydrate/high fat diet. Despite hearing about the myriad benefits, however, many people are still reluctant to try it. 
       Why is it that people, although uncomfortable in their current state, are unwilling to change their way of living? 
       The eccentric philosopher George Gurdjieff said that it is very difficult to give up one's own imaginary suffering. People will renounce various pleasures, but they will not give up their imaginary suffering. They have become attached to their suffering. They have decided to keep it. 
       Many people prefer to talk about their problems, rather than taking actions that will result in tangible, measurable benefit. 
       In order to switch to a low carb ketogenic or carnivore diet, you’ll have to be the type that can think independently. You’ll need the strength to go against the masses of influences promoting a plant-based, high carbohydrate, low fat diet. You will need to be able to go contrary to societal and cultural fashions regarding food choices. 
       The weak in spirit feel, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” 
       If you for one are thinking of switching to an ancestrally appropriate, species-specific, natural human diet, these are some of the changes you will probably need to undertake:
       1) You will need to remove all the unhealthy food items from your home. 
       2) You will need to change the types of foods that you buy.
       3) You may need to shop at different grocery stores. 
       4) You, or whoever cooks for you, will need to learn different recipes. 
       5) You may need to change the times of day at which you take your meals. 
       6) You may need to change the number of times per day that you eat. 
       7) You will have to deal with your family members who may not be in favor of the dietary changes you are trying to make. 
       8) Last but not least, you may need to engage an expert health coach who can help and encourage you through the many pitfalls on your way back to optimum functioning. 
       Changing one’s eating habits involves some effort and discipline. Once established, however, a low carb/healthy fat diet is filling and nutritious, thus easier to maintain. The health gains are much more than worth the trouble. 
       If you are ready to go whole hog, make the necessary changes, adjust your diet, optimize your health, and you would like the help of a low carb physician, request a consult with Dr. Clara P. Triane. 


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Clara P. Triane, M.D.

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